Congratulations to all BDSC Competitors who Competed at the 2013 American Star Ball in Atlantic CIty, New Jersey


The American Star Ball is an annual competition hosted by Ilya and Amanda in Atlantic City, New Jersey at the Golden Nugget. This year, we had a number of couples competing at the event and all our couples had fantastic results.

Briana Isakow and Pasha Stepanchuk
Pre-Teen I Closed Bronze Samba: 1st
Pre-Teen I Closed Bronze Cha-Cha/Rumba/Jive: 1st

Isabella Priven and Pasha Stepanchuk
Junior II Open Gold Latin: 2nd
Junior I Open Gold Cha-Cha: 2nd
Junior I Open Gold Samba/Rumba/Jive: 1st

Michael Grandel and Adelina Ishkayeva
Junior II Scholarship Latin: 6th

Christian Yeung and Samanta Filip
Youth Scholarship Latin: 3rd
Youth Scholarship Standard: 3rd

Daniel Ostrom and Ekaterina Kuleshova
Junior II Scholarship Standard: 3rd
Youth Pre-Champ Latin: 2nd
Junior II Scholarship Latin: 5th

Ariel Milshteyn and Dasha Ryndych
Youth Scholarship Latin: 6th
Junior II Scholarship Latin: 3rd

Lennox Ksido and Lauren Ksido
Junior I Closed Silver Cha-Cha/Samba: 5th
Junior I Closed Silver Rumba: 6th
Junior I Closed Silver Jive: 4th
Junior I Open Silver Cha-Cha/Samba: 5th
Junior I Open Silver Rumba: 3rd
Junior I Open Silver Jive: 2nd

Guy Platt and Freda Chan
Amateur Latin Championships: 2nd

Stanislav Pavlov and Jessica Karpishin
Youth Scholarship Latin: 2nd
Youth Scholarship Standard: 4th

Julian Sklyut and Sabrina Isakow
Junior II Pre-Champ Latin: 1st
Junior II Scholarship Latin: 7th

Mark Irgang and Anna Cernova
Youth Pre-Champ Latin: 1st

James Raykis and Sarrah Livson
Junior I Open Silver Cha-Cha: 3rd
Junior I Open Silver Samba: 4th
Junior I Open Silver Rumba/Jive: 5th
Junior I Closed Gold Cha-Cha: 4th
Junior I Closed Gold Samba: 6th
Junior I Open Gold Latin: 2nd

Stanislav Savich and Annie He Xiao
Professional Rising-Star Latin: 1st
Professional Latin Championships: 3rd